Monday, August 08, 2011

using Biztalk script functoid

I have been trying to use Biztalk maps to create xsl transforms. The biggest challenge seems to be finding resources that talk about its capabilities and limitations. Here is my little contribution.

My transform involves a lot of repeating structures. In particiular a bunch of addresses attached to different entities that needs to be mapped to another address structure.





In some cases the address entries are blanks but the destination does not allow blanks so the nodes have to be skipped.

Most of these tasks can be done with various functoids. But if you have to repeat a good few times the biztalk map gets hairy.

So my solution is to use the scripting functoid and write an xslt template. Luckily every has an id so I can use that as a parameter. The other parameter would be the node (a, b, c, or d) so that I can construct the xpath inside my template. Then it's normal xsl stuff and you can control your output.

I can construct an example if there is interest.
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